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Thurrock Centre for Independent Living

Charity no. 1081271. Company no. 03855994

World of Work (WoW)

World of Work is a personalised service for the residents of Thurrock, offering tailored support to explore the World of Work.

We focus upon providing support, information and training, producing CVs and the
development of presentation and interview skills, work experience and volunteering opportunities.

Our Aims

We offer support, information and  training tailored to individual need, with the opportunity to experience the World of Work.

Personalised support is given to identify goals and aspirations, key skills and additional learning and training needs, and produce an action plan. 

Ongoing support is provided to source training, work experience and volunteering opportunities, update CVs and form filling.

Our Objectives

To work in partnership with members, provide personalised and tailored support, and a clear pathway towards the World of Work.

To increase members confidence and self esteem, and promote positive attitudes towards themselves and their aspirations regarding the World of Work.

Our Goals

To support people with diverse needs to be more independent and realise their potential.

To support people in the community to make new friends, have the confidence to explore new things, and broaden their career horizons.

To develop members self-belief in their own skills and attributes, to be proud of who they are and to feel positive about the future.

For more information about WoW, please call 01375 389 864.
The WoW Leaflet is available here