Welcome to Thurrock Centre for Independent Living
Would you like greater, or even just to keep your independence?
Would you like more choice and control over your life?
At Thurrock Centre for Independent Living (TCIL) we offer
support and advice on a variety of issues which affect
disabled people. Click on the "What we Offer" page to find
out more about the services we offer.

Would you like greater, or even just to keep your independence?
Would you like more choice and control over your life?
At Thurrock Centre for Independent Living (TCIL) we offer
support and advice on a variety of issues which affect
disabled people. Click on the "What we Offer" page to find
out more about the services we offer.
At Thurrock Centre for Independent Living (TCIL) we offer
support and advice on a variety of issues which affect
disabled people.
Thurrock Centre for Independent Living (TCIL) is a Charity
and a Company Limited by Guarantee. (Charity no. 1081271)
(Company no. 03855994) Registered in England & Wales.
We are a member of Thurrock Coalition - The User-Led
Organisation for Thurrock. You can get more information
about Thurrock Coalition and our other partner organisations
by clicking the links at the bottom of this page.
Who can TCIL help?
The TCIL team can assist people with the majority of
disability related issues, from providing information or
advising about a situation that simply requires completing
an application form to a more complex situation that needs a
formal advocate or complaint to be made, and many matters in
between of concern to disabled individuals and their carers.
If members of the TCIL team are not the most appropriate
people to help, we will always try to suggest other options.
The Social Model of Disability
TCIL promotes the Social Model of Disability The TCIL team will try to remove or reduce the barriers that prevent disabled people accessing the services they need to give them choice and control over their own situations and to maintain their independence.
Where to find us
The Beehive
West Street
RM17 6XP
Tel: 01375 389 864
Text: 07977531670
Email: Via our Contact Form
Open Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm
Our Data Protection Policy is available here
Our Privacy Notice is available here